The mission of the church is to make disciples; leading people from rebels to passionate Jesus-followers. Without the building and sending of disciples the church dies. The Gospel is what creates, matures and develops disciples. As the Gospel takes greater and greater hold of a disciples’ heart, the result is a humble, Gospel-centered, passionate and contagious follower who invites others to the same. We build disciples by abiding in Jesus, stewarding His gifts, and equipping the saints in love as we trust Jesus to build His church for His glory and our greatest good.
Sunday Gatherings
Not only will we be cultivating Spirit-filled communities, we’ll also be gathering every Sunday as a single community for Word and worship. We gather around the Word, the Bible, because it is God’s Word to us about who He is, who we are, and His true story of redemption in Jesus Christ. Our Sunday gatherings will be filled with passionate, intellectually engaging, Gospel-centered preaching and experiential grace for seekers, skeptics and believers alike. We’ll also strive for vibrant worship to glorify God in song and to tangibly experience His presence and power. Our goal is to create Spirit-led and God-glorifying gatherings defined by joy, reverent awe, and excellence.
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